What is your Catalyst for Change? Step 4 – Transformation

Step 4 is the Transformation step in the journey to Powerful Impact – what its like to be in Transformation and 3 tips to move through it fast and with intention to progress and arrive at the top.

Definition of Transformation

3 benefits

  • Contrast
  • Stat
  • Story
  • Fact
  • Why

The Oxford dictionary definition of transformation is “A marked change in form, nature, or appearance.” This is the transition period from the old to the new. It sorts the winners from the “wanna-be’s, the dreamers from the doers and often produces a series of breakthroughs and breakdowns before the final outcome is produced. This takes a lot of energy, focus and mental toughness.

Transformation is the period of change. And change is messy, volatile unpredictable chaotic and ambiguous. And this is the stage where the motivation and excitement gives way to frustration and defeat. It’s the place where we must let go of the mainland of what is familiar and take the risk of stepping into the ocean of the unknown. This is the stage where it’s vital to define WHY this change, this vision, this project is important to you. Change means it gets worse before it gets better.

Are you willing to stick it out and push forward to get to the other side?

Keep moving forward and TRUST the process. Self-regulation through emotional highs and lows are constant.

Don’t be afraid to keep on moving. Remember, you’ll never get anywhere if you just stay still. Defining and refining your leadership identity, your brand and what you stand for is vital in addition to the business Vision and planning that goes on in this period. Education alone will not propel you into that next level of success. As Einstein says “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”. Who is your Brainstrust? Your Sponsor? Coaches? Mentors? Roles models? What skills do you excel at and which do you lack that are holding you back? Transformation is complex and definitely a stage to NOT do alone. From my experience working with many ambitious leaders, this is the stage that makes them or breaks them. And the truth is that many people do not make it through successfully. Not because they can’t or are not good enough. It’s because they quit on themselves.

One vital key to pushing through the transformation stage successfully is to

focus on the one outcome you really want. Structure a plan of action and enroll the people you need to help you achieve it. Successful powerful impact requires a team effort. This will be discussed in the next post.